The Goldberg Files
Crush med school stress with tips and tricks to excel in your journey to becoming a top-notch clinician.
Crush med school stress with tips and tricks to excel in your journey to becoming a top-notch clinician.
Information Overload x 2
While technology has made it easier to find information, its distractions can be time-consuming.
2 min readA Few More Medical Apps
In addition to the popular medical apps listed previously, here are a few more to...
1 min readDrawing The Patient Into the Decision-Making Process
If the patient and family are well-informed of the facts, the therapist should encourage their participating in the...
2 min readSteven Goldberg - In Memorium
Steve will be greatly missed. He was the personification of the ideal physician.
2 min readShould USMLE Step 1 Be Eliminated, Modified, Or Open-Book?
Even the best physicians may have trouble with questions on the Boards.
2 min readMedicine's Alternative Universe
The hidden dimension is the hospital experience from the patient's point of view.
6 min readTwo New Medmaster Books: 1. Alternative Medicine 2. Allergy/Asthma
Two New Medmaster Books
1 min readPattern Recognition In Diagnosis
Humans are expert in recognizing patterns, but often come to the wrong conclusion when they read too much...
2 min readMemory Techniques for Med School #1 (Understanding)
Why go to the trouble of trying to memorize isolated facts when the facts could easily be deduced...
4 min readMemory Techniques for Med School #2 (Visualization)
People remember better when they visualize.
1 min readMemory Techniques for Med School #3 (Ridiculous Associations)
"These lucky patients, sleeping all day."
1 min readMemory Techniques for Med School #4 (Substitute Words and Pictures)
The fine art of pathological diagnosis
2 min readMemory Techniques for Med School #5 (Ditties)
There is not enough space on this blog to list all the excellent ditties and other mnemonics in medicine
1 min readMemory Techniques for Med School #6 Lists (Linking Method)
The Link method involves memorizing a list by creating a ridiculous association between one word or idea and...
2 min read